Written 2/14/09
As some of My friends All-ready know, at My job I work with a 19 year old whom I allow to drive Me nuts. He has been My example of why I love work with youngstars in dream time but haven't yet been able to do so in waking.
A couple of friends have suggested that perhaps he has some power, possibly the ability to cloak himSelf in a glamour or maybe he is just charmed. Also it would seem that I Am One of the few people that can see through this. What I observe would support All this and I have been convinced that a large part of why I Am bothered by him is that I Am jealous. Last night I had a series of dreams that confirm All of this and more.
In the part that I remember clearly he and I were working together on something that required We be very close, closer even than face to face. Then some type of disaster or catastrophe occurred, possibly an earthquake. The building collapsed around Us and upon Us and We were now trapped in this close proximity.
He tilted his head back so he could look Me in the eye, his cigarette breath was warm on My face. He said: "You are such a shit." He said it calmly yet with a hint of threat. However, he had not actually spoken a word.
This was when it struck Me that he could read minds, as well as plant thoughts in other people's minds and cloak himSelf in a glamour, possibly much more.
I replied (actually thought): "I know. I don't mean to be, I don't want to be, but I know I Am and that You know My thoughts about You."
Time was frozen at this point and We were able to come to an understanding even if We were not able to form a friendship. We were able to team up and use Our abilities to undo the damage done by the disaster. Also, it felt like We healed some of the damage done to each other.
Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”
This IS what We ARE doing

THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)
"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."
"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
"A belief is just a habit of thought."
"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)
"A belief is just a habit of thought."
If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:
I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Even more thoughts 2/14/09
Glad You are here and participating.
Hope You begin to enjoy the dreaming.
Some of My early, intense dreams frightened Me, I tried to forget and turned off My memories. About a year ago I started dreaming of meeting Youngstars, One at a time. That opened a whole new world for Me.
Hope You begin to enjoy the dreaming.
Some of My early, intense dreams frightened Me, I tried to forget and turned off My memories. About a year ago I started dreaming of meeting Youngstars, One at a time. That opened a whole new world for Me.
More thoughts 2/14/09
I don't know where I'm from either. Perhaps it is because We really are from everywhere? I know that is hard to grasp, but You might consider the possibility.
I think it is important to remember/believe that We are here for a purpose. That too can be hard to grasp. Often, this world seems soooo harsh, abusive, out of control and totally out of whack that is hard to feel We can possibly do anything but escape.
However, there is also evidence of this changing. Finding others that feel as We do is part of this evidence. Reaching out and sharing Our stories is how We form a group that is strong and able to change.
I think it is important to remember/believe that We are here for a purpose. That too can be hard to grasp. Often, this world seems soooo harsh, abusive, out of control and totally out of whack that is hard to feel We can possibly do anything but escape.
However, there is also evidence of this changing. Finding others that feel as We do is part of this evidence. Reaching out and sharing Our stories is how We form a group that is strong and able to change.
Thots 2/14/09
The homeless are a growing force in Our world. And the issue seems to be coming up more and more (on a personal level) for many of Us. I'm really not sure where this will lead, I think We each must find Our Own method of expressing compassion.
Do You have any thoughts/insights what Your personal form of compassion might be?
Something that was hard for Me to grasp, is that My dream work is just as powerful as My physical, actually more so. At least for some of Us, it is important to understand and believe that Our dreams are realities. Our personal "doing" may be there, in Our dreams much more than here (in waking).
I have experienced many homeless Youngstars in My dreams, and work and play with "them" there, yet have not encountered any in My waking life lately.
Do You have any thoughts/insights what Your personal form of compassion might be?
Something that was hard for Me to grasp, is that My dream work is just as powerful as My physical, actually more so. At least for some of Us, it is important to understand and believe that Our dreams are realities. Our personal "doing" may be there, in Our dreams much more than here (in waking).
I have experienced many homeless Youngstars in My dreams, and work and play with "them" there, yet have not encountered any in My waking life lately.
Thots 2/13/09
The thing about multi-D is most people just aren't ready. And those who think "They" are don't grasp the depth and multituity of multi-D. We have expectations and expectations limit. I've been having a lot of dreams/visions of this the last 6ish months and it's getting stronger the last few weeks.
There is just soooo damn much in infinity and most of Us don't want that much.
Slipping in and out of different realities is very confusing (no news flash there) and it really takes practice and experience to navigate it well. It really is like learning to drive a car, or maybe a locomotive. When most of Us start experiencing travelling/living in multi-D We are like kids who have mastered the tri-cycle trying to drive a double decker bus in a large city at rush hour.
(Which way did he go? Which way did he go?)
There is just soooo damn much in infinity and most of Us don't want that much.
Slipping in and out of different realities is very confusing (no news flash there) and it really takes practice and experience to navigate it well. It really is like learning to drive a car, or maybe a locomotive. When most of Us start experiencing travelling/living in multi-D We are like kids who have mastered the tri-cycle trying to drive a double decker bus in a large city at rush hour.
(Which way did he go? Which way did he go?)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Dreams #59
Written 2/10/09
Lots of fun dreams last night. There are only a few things I remember clearly about "them" now, other than I really enjoyed All of "them".
The theme of My parents not approving of My activities ran through most of My dreams last night, but this was a more subtle disapproval than before, and it didn't bother Me like before. It is beginning to feel more like "they" didn't understand Me rather than out right disapproval.
The dream I remember the clearest was where I took My cabin and My dog (Shadow) to the southwest U.S. to meet a shaman. When the shaman entered My cabin a lion came with him. Shadow does not allow other animals in My cabin but he allowed Leo (that was the lion's name) to come in and "they" made friends. The shaman gave Me a stone, about the size of an egg only a little longer and thinner. He had many stones and fetishes with him, but this One he felt was for Me.
In My hands this stone left a glitter or shiny sand residue but it did not do this in the shaman's hands. He was very surprised at this and was now certain that it was for Me.
As I have said before, I don't usually dream visually. But this time the lion and the stone were very clear visually. Nothing else was visual, but felt or known.
In the dream, I knew that Leo could be a friend and/or he could be the astrological house of Leo.
Like the rest of My dreams last night My parents were on the side lines watching All of this like watching a movie and shaking "their" heads in disbelief.
Lots of fun dreams last night. There are only a few things I remember clearly about "them" now, other than I really enjoyed All of "them".
The theme of My parents not approving of My activities ran through most of My dreams last night, but this was a more subtle disapproval than before, and it didn't bother Me like before. It is beginning to feel more like "they" didn't understand Me rather than out right disapproval.
The dream I remember the clearest was where I took My cabin and My dog (Shadow) to the southwest U.S. to meet a shaman. When the shaman entered My cabin a lion came with him. Shadow does not allow other animals in My cabin but he allowed Leo (that was the lion's name) to come in and "they" made friends. The shaman gave Me a stone, about the size of an egg only a little longer and thinner. He had many stones and fetishes with him, but this One he felt was for Me.
In My hands this stone left a glitter or shiny sand residue but it did not do this in the shaman's hands. He was very surprised at this and was now certain that it was for Me.
As I have said before, I don't usually dream visually. But this time the lion and the stone were very clear visually. Nothing else was visual, but felt or known.
In the dream, I knew that Leo could be a friend and/or he could be the astrological house of Leo.
Like the rest of My dreams last night My parents were on the side lines watching All of this like watching a movie and shaking "their" heads in disbelief.
Dreams #58
Written 2/4/09
One of the starkids had been captured by the enemy (those who want to keep Us subserviant and enslaved to the system). Apparently he had escaped or been set free and I was talking to him.
He was telling Me that "they" wanted the activation codes. I asked if he had been able to hide the codes. He said no and that the codes were infecting "them" with love and compassion. It was like a virus spreading through a community.
Of course We were very excited about this turn of events.
One of the starkids had been captured by the enemy (those who want to keep Us subserviant and enslaved to the system). Apparently he had escaped or been set free and I was talking to him.
He was telling Me that "they" wanted the activation codes. I asked if he had been able to hide the codes. He said no and that the codes were infecting "them" with love and compassion. It was like a virus spreading through a community.
Of course We were very excited about this turn of events.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Thots 2/1/09
Shadow work seems to be up for many of Us.
It certainly is for Me. It is becoming increasingly clear to Me, that if I want a better world, I must recognize that All the things and people I see as wrong, unpleasant and even "bad" are Me. We are much more than We ever thought We are.
On One hand that sounds nice and fluffy, but how about the ugly side?
There are at least three problems here: One is that I Am judging, the other is that I Am rejecting, and therefore denying who I Am.
It sounds nice to hear: "We are the Ones We have been waiting for." It's a little scary but nice. How about: "We are the Ones We have been running from"????? But if I don't own that, I deny My divinity, My power to change.
I want the monsters to change, but how can "they" change if I cast "them" out and call "them" less than "they" are and call MySelf less than I Am? De-nile is a nice place to live until it's not.
So, where do I start? I started by looking at those I feel are evil doers, those who reap huge profits while others go hungry. I said: "You are Me. I Am You."
After so many years of rejection, it is no surprise that "they" didn't come rushing in and thank Me for accepting "them". Not right away. But, compared to when I first started facing some of My rejects (a few years ago) it is going rather quickly. I have invited these rejects, to sit around a council fire and discuss who "they" are. To tell Me about these parts of "themSelves"/MySelf that I don't know or understand.
We have started a dialog and so far I Am mostly listening. I don't have much to say, because this is All new ground for Me.
I feel this is a crucial step in seeing, in projecting the change I wish to experience in My life.
It certainly is for Me. It is becoming increasingly clear to Me, that if I want a better world, I must recognize that All the things and people I see as wrong, unpleasant and even "bad" are Me. We are much more than We ever thought We are.
On One hand that sounds nice and fluffy, but how about the ugly side?
There are at least three problems here: One is that I Am judging, the other is that I Am rejecting, and therefore denying who I Am.
It sounds nice to hear: "We are the Ones We have been waiting for." It's a little scary but nice. How about: "We are the Ones We have been running from"????? But if I don't own that, I deny My divinity, My power to change.
I want the monsters to change, but how can "they" change if I cast "them" out and call "them" less than "they" are and call MySelf less than I Am? De-nile is a nice place to live until it's not.
So, where do I start? I started by looking at those I feel are evil doers, those who reap huge profits while others go hungry. I said: "You are Me. I Am You."
After so many years of rejection, it is no surprise that "they" didn't come rushing in and thank Me for accepting "them". Not right away. But, compared to when I first started facing some of My rejects (a few years ago) it is going rather quickly. I have invited these rejects, to sit around a council fire and discuss who "they" are. To tell Me about these parts of "themSelves"/MySelf that I don't know or understand.
We have started a dialog and so far I Am mostly listening. I don't have much to say, because this is All new ground for Me.
I feel this is a crucial step in seeing, in projecting the change I wish to experience in My life.
Dreams #57 (cont.)
Written 1/27/09
The message was about Oneness. I had chosen to travel back in time to see if I could introduce the message of Oneness in that era and see what effect it would have on the present.
I'll give some background on this:
Nearly 20 years ago I regressed MySelf (accidentally while writing a story) to what I thought at the time was the beginning. It was when We decided to play separation/limitation. In that regression I did not want to play but was forced to because the rest of Me separated.
A few years later I real-eyesed that was not the actual beginning, just the beginning of separation. I also real-eyesed what a great job We did at totally believing in separation. I knew that I too had chosen to play separation, yet My only memory was of being forced to play. I spent years trying to erase that memory.
Then, a few years ago I started to try adding another memory rather than erasing the first memory. I actually decided to try adding several. One was a world/reality where We separated but remembered from the beginning that We are connected. In that world We would still inhabit individual bodies, but We would know that what We did to an-other We did to OurSelf. In other memories We would wake at different stages of Our history/herstory and transition from totally believing in being separate to believing that We are One.
The message was about Oneness. I had chosen to travel back in time to see if I could introduce the message of Oneness in that era and see what effect it would have on the present.
I'll give some background on this:
Nearly 20 years ago I regressed MySelf (accidentally while writing a story) to what I thought at the time was the beginning. It was when We decided to play separation/limitation. In that regression I did not want to play but was forced to because the rest of Me separated.
A few years later I real-eyesed that was not the actual beginning, just the beginning of separation. I also real-eyesed what a great job We did at totally believing in separation. I knew that I too had chosen to play separation, yet My only memory was of being forced to play. I spent years trying to erase that memory.
Then, a few years ago I started to try adding another memory rather than erasing the first memory. I actually decided to try adding several. One was a world/reality where We separated but remembered from the beginning that We are connected. In that world We would still inhabit individual bodies, but We would know that what We did to an-other We did to OurSelf. In other memories We would wake at different stages of Our history/herstory and transition from totally believing in being separate to believing that We are One.
Dreams #57
Written 1/26/09
Last night I had My first dream about time travel.
I was in a war zone, it was some type of conquest or invasion. Sadly I was definitely One of the people killing people.
This was during the time when We believed Europe,Asia & Africa were the only continents and We were using single shot muskets/rifles as weapons. I was firing and someOne was reloading for Me. I Am fairly certain I was part of the invading force. I felt the horror of killing people, but on the battlefield I really didn't know what else to do but keep firing because even worse than the horror of killing others was the fear of being killed.
Then I changed into some type of emissary and at this point I knew I was from the future. It felt like I was from a future even beyond Our current time. I approached the tent of some commander and was allowed to pass by the guards, but it was night and when the commander came out of his tent he was aiming a musket at Me. I held up My hands and was saying: "Don't shoot it's Me."
We knew each other and I was carrying some message for him, something I knew that no One else knew.
Later, I remembered the message was about Oneness and reconnection. I had decided to go back and see if I could insert thoughts/beliefs in Oneness at that time and see what difference it might make.
Last night I had My first dream about time travel.
I was in a war zone, it was some type of conquest or invasion. Sadly I was definitely One of the people killing people.
This was during the time when We believed Europe,Asia & Africa were the only continents and We were using single shot muskets/rifles as weapons. I was firing and someOne was reloading for Me. I Am fairly certain I was part of the invading force. I felt the horror of killing people, but on the battlefield I really didn't know what else to do but keep firing because even worse than the horror of killing others was the fear of being killed.
Then I changed into some type of emissary and at this point I knew I was from the future. It felt like I was from a future even beyond Our current time. I approached the tent of some commander and was allowed to pass by the guards, but it was night and when the commander came out of his tent he was aiming a musket at Me. I held up My hands and was saying: "Don't shoot it's Me."
We knew each other and I was carrying some message for him, something I knew that no One else knew.
Later, I remembered the message was about Oneness and reconnection. I had decided to go back and see if I could insert thoughts/beliefs in Oneness at that time and see what difference it might make.
Dreams #56
Written 1/26/09
I met with M several times in a waking dream/trance state last night. As I was first drifting off to sleep I asked how We could help. Soon I was sitting by his side, like You might sit beside a person in the hospital. He asked if I would assist him with the process/experimenting he is doing. This is very reminiscent of the first time We met like this. Again I had to give a qualified response. I told him that I was not willing to go to the extremes he is going. I don't feel that I can and I know I Am not willing. I told him I don't have someOne to care for Me like he does and I have My physical responsibilities to take care of. I also told him this is getting very hard for his mother and We need to find a way to lessen her load. It would be nice if he didn't go quite so far each time so that his mother doesn't need to be quite so concerned.
At some point I went into deep sleep and had many dreams. I even did some time travel for the first time that I Am aware of in dream time. I visited the past, around the time after the discovery of the Americas. In the dream I knew I was from the future and I was meeting with certain leaders. I have no idea if this was related to M or not. I woke several times during the night from different dreams and each time as I was drifting I met with M in waking dream.
Throughout the night We discussed helping him. It seems like a group effort is Once again needed to drain off some of the energy he is processing. No One of Us should attempt to take on his energy alone, We know what happened when We tried that at first.
It felt as I shared with M that it would be best if the dream team imagined OurSelves in a circle around M draining off some of the energy so he doesn't experience the extreme trauma he has been going through. His process is very important, We do not want to stop it or alter it, We just want to drain off the excess and help him to know when to slow down. This is the part he can't really handle himSelf. He gets in so deep, he doesn't know when or how to get out for a break. Initially this could be arranged at a certain time/day or it can be done at each One's convenience since time has no meaning at this level. I'm fairly sure this will need to be an ongoing process as M is gonna keep doing what he does.
He doesn't yet seem to know how to ask for help. He has been very resistant to accepting help. Perhaps he has felt that I will try to fix him or stop him. Fortunately his mom is able to say that she is at her limit and reach out.
Another thought I had just before I got up to write is interesting. In doing this each of Us will also be acting like a secretary to the uni-verse reporting Our experience/ view of this process. We will each experience a small part of the transmuting he is experimenting with. There is much being said about the changes the physical body must go through in order for Us to take it with Us in ascension. This feels to be what M is working on, finding what works and what doesn't.
I also felt that We will set an energy exchange that will begin to spin in a sphere shape between the many angles We form in this circle. Quite exciting really, but it has to be a group effort.
I met with M several times in a waking dream/trance state last night. As I was first drifting off to sleep I asked how We could help. Soon I was sitting by his side, like You might sit beside a person in the hospital. He asked if I would assist him with the process/experimenting he is doing. This is very reminiscent of the first time We met like this. Again I had to give a qualified response. I told him that I was not willing to go to the extremes he is going. I don't feel that I can and I know I Am not willing. I told him I don't have someOne to care for Me like he does and I have My physical responsibilities to take care of. I also told him this is getting very hard for his mother and We need to find a way to lessen her load. It would be nice if he didn't go quite so far each time so that his mother doesn't need to be quite so concerned.
At some point I went into deep sleep and had many dreams. I even did some time travel for the first time that I Am aware of in dream time. I visited the past, around the time after the discovery of the Americas. In the dream I knew I was from the future and I was meeting with certain leaders. I have no idea if this was related to M or not. I woke several times during the night from different dreams and each time as I was drifting I met with M in waking dream.
Throughout the night We discussed helping him. It seems like a group effort is Once again needed to drain off some of the energy he is processing. No One of Us should attempt to take on his energy alone, We know what happened when We tried that at first.
It felt as I shared with M that it would be best if the dream team imagined OurSelves in a circle around M draining off some of the energy so he doesn't experience the extreme trauma he has been going through. His process is very important, We do not want to stop it or alter it, We just want to drain off the excess and help him to know when to slow down. This is the part he can't really handle himSelf. He gets in so deep, he doesn't know when or how to get out for a break. Initially this could be arranged at a certain time/day or it can be done at each One's convenience since time has no meaning at this level. I'm fairly sure this will need to be an ongoing process as M is gonna keep doing what he does.
He doesn't yet seem to know how to ask for help. He has been very resistant to accepting help. Perhaps he has felt that I will try to fix him or stop him. Fortunately his mom is able to say that she is at her limit and reach out.
Another thought I had just before I got up to write is interesting. In doing this each of Us will also be acting like a secretary to the uni-verse reporting Our experience/ view of this process. We will each experience a small part of the transmuting he is experimenting with. There is much being said about the changes the physical body must go through in order for Us to take it with Us in ascension. This feels to be what M is working on, finding what works and what doesn't.
I also felt that We will set an energy exchange that will begin to spin in a sphere shape between the many angles We form in this circle. Quite exciting really, but it has to be a group effort.
Dreams #55
Written 1/25/09
I had a dream about a guy who was in a program for recovery from being a demon and I was his sponsor. That's All I remember, oh I think We had just started working together and he wanted to rush things.
I had a dream about a guy who was in a program for recovery from being a demon and I was his sponsor. That's All I remember, oh I think We had just started working together and he wanted to rush things.
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We theel this is very important: http://www.ted.com/talks/israel_and_iran_a_love_story.html