Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dreams #17

As I have mentioned I have felt the earth energy very strong in physical symptoms, especially earaches. Yesterday the symptoms lessened but also came and went during the day and evening. I theel that All of Us who processed and are processing in this way aid Gaea. I Am very grateful I Am not alone in this.
Last night I went to sleep feeling there was much to be done in the ethers and it was to be done now.
I dreamt of the earth shaking mightily, so strong that even the air was turbulent. It was like an earthquake and a tornado or typhoon at the same time. There was a space ship trying to hover but it couldn't maintain altitude and balance because of the turbulence. I stood on the earth and had One hand raised sending an energy from My hand to the ship and steadied the ship. The other hand was sending energy into the earth but I Am not aware of what that was doing, actually it may well have been energy coming from the earth to and through Me.
I was observing All this and while it felt to be Me, I was also watching from some distance. The person was a giant, so it could certainly have been a collective Me, like this group All joined into One focal point to transfer energy from Gaea to ship.
The ship was transporting people from the surface to the ship like in Star Trek "Beam Me up Scotty." Of course it could not do this if it was being shaken and tossed around the sky by the winds. So We held the ship steady to evacuate people from the destruction.
Then the ship turned into a dragon and All the passengers became dragon eggs and the dragon flew off to some distant destination to lay it's eggs.

Dreams #16

So I bought MySelf a dragon. In 3d it appears as a burgundy 1990 Ford Taurus wagon. I've wanted One for a while, dunno why, just did. (The Taurus that is, I know why I want a dragon)
When I drove it home Shadow was very OK if not totally excited about getting into the belly of a dragon and seemed to enjoy dragon riding as much as I do. However, when I was going to ride to town with a friend to get My other car, Shadow was very not happy to be left at home, alone with this new dragon. When I got home Shadow immediately went outside and checked All his favorite marking spots and spent a good deal of time sniffing Our dragon. I do kinda One-der what went on while I was gone.
The last dream before I woke, I was staying with My friends in town and My dragon looked like a horse so as not to alarm the neighbors. Dragon and Shadow were getting along quite well, a little jealousy and vying for My attention, but mostly romping and playing together. I was feeding My dragon horse food as the local feed stores haven't started carrying dragon food yet. Something I had not considered before is that dragons drink lots of water. Dragon kept emptying it's water dish and banging it around wanting more. Shadow, of course, thought this was a great game but had to be careful not to get in the way of dragon's feet while "they" danced around.
Stay tuned for The Adventures of Dragon and Shadow.

Dreams #15

Interesting dream last night, it felt like a recurring and evolving dream. I remembered dreaming/living part of it before but don't remember when. During part I was either awake or lucid.
I dreamt of a group of four children (early teens) whom I had created or brought here. It felt like these are the same thing. As the Reconnections say: "You do not create something out of nothing, You create out of everything that is All-ready here."
Some of these children died early and then were reborn along with the rest of the group beginning a new reality. As the children kept dieing and each time being re-born many realities were being created. I was aware of All of these realities or at least many of "them". The only realities I was aware of involved this group of children which did grow in numbers in some realities, but All-ways included the same core group.
It's hard to retain a clear memory and harder to convey it because of these multiple realities in My awareness at the same time. One thing I definately remember is that at some point the children took Me home to the stars where WE came from. This is My first time of being consciously aware of having come from the stars and the first time that I know of that I returned. I don't remember what it looked like or what We did, We were just there and IT (Our home world) was just there. And We returned here. I'm not sure if this occurred in many realities or only One.
Other than that I remember some flying among the stars, and some very normal life activities.

August Rush

I just watched it. DJ is right, part of Me says "That's not the way the world is" and part of Me cries "But that's the way I want it to be"
Actually most of Me was crying.
Because it is the way the world can be. Ever since I first moved here I have known that this is the land where dreams come true. I can not begin to tell You how many of My dreams have come true.
This child had a dream, he followed his dream, and his dream came true. We are building a world where dreams come true. As We begin to acknowledge the genius in every child, We begin to create this world.
Not everyOne is a great musician, artist or writer but everyOne can dream. I for One am living proof that dreams do come true.
It has to start somewhere, it can start with Us, it can start with Our dreams, it can start in Our hearts. We can follow the music, We can walk thru the duir.


written 4/27/08

I wanted to share this with You as it feels important right now:
and in a way it would be true if One hasn't achieved then No One truly has. Yet from another perspective, it takes the lone Shaman to find the frame of reference to reveal the ships on the horizon to the masses.
Sometimes I think this chit-chat is just a way of dragging Our asses and other times (like in My dream story) I see it as a method We use to keep OurSelves from rushing off a cliff and being so dis-oriented that We don't real-eyes We are All-ready flying. If most of Us suddenly found OurSelves flying, We would panic and begin to apply gravity and crash. However when We gradually get comfortable with floating on cotton candy clouds, when We real-eyes this, it seems totally natural.
In My dream gatherings the kids often jump off the cliffs with absolute delight and I adore watching and even join in. But, how would any of Us react if We saw this in the physical right now? Would any of Us believe anything other than the child crashing to "their" death? Would We see a child soaring like Jonathon Livingston or would We see a child committing suicide. Both possibilities exist somewhere.

New Car Opera

Written 2/15/05

Another great dream. Went to bed thinking about the keeper’s secret. What would I need to be happier?
Dreamt I was with a group of high school age students, I’m sure I was that age. We were building a "better" car and performing a rock opera about this "doing"
One of the students had to shout, in a voice that woke the world, "Dad don’t hold Me back." It was about parents imposing traditional values on children and thereby binding them to traditional limits.
We were building this car (which would develop into a whole line of different cars, then other products) using existing technology. One line from the opera is "Cause We have technology" this was very important!
It was also about teamwork. Each One of this group had a piece of the puzzle. Like We do here at club recon. Each person contributing their piece and feeding each other and an idea/thought/story is born and nurtured and grows and flourishes and blossoms.
Consider All the reconnections here! The dream about seeds and how that thread developed. The thread about anger. Our story about Our Troll. DJ’s thots about the wrestler to be. Our talking of the New Age and earth changes and star kids.
In My current manifestation I would be One of the Ones imposing traditional values! Yuk, yuk, double yuk, but it is true. Dj’s story of the "wrestler to be" showed Me how judgmental I still are, and My judgements are based in traditional values.

Knowing, belief

Written 2/19/05

Knowing- We All know the truth, We may not know that We know, but We know
Belief-The shifting, exploding star by which We guide OurSelves
Believing- The vessel that carries Us through Our rememberings.
Remembering- What We call learning. Bringing back to Our awareness the truths We hid from OurSelves.
Believing- The goal that disappears the closer We get.
There- An imaginary place.
Truth- An imaginary goal.
Believing- The choice to live what We remember.
Remembering- Shining a light against a brick wall, to find it is only mist.
Blocks- Imaginary toys that We call solid obstacles.
Believing- The freedom to realize We are what We choose.
Choice- Sticking Our hand or mind in a barrel and pulling out what’s next.
Barrel- An infinite number of unfolding infinities that We dreamt up.
Dreaming- Opening Our mind to possibilities beyond Our acceptable limits of waking thinking.
Believing- Flying free from choice to choice to choice to infinity and back, or not.


written 4/26/08
The problem with the realm of Fae is that whenever We walk through a duir or fall into asleep, We never really know what lies or truths await Us on the other side. We can look through and think We know what We see, but We never really do. Not even Once We step through, for what appears to be, may never be or may change at a moments whim.
The Fae are familiar with such a life, but are We as humans ready for such a thing? “Oh yes” We may say, for We have All experienced such things from time to time. But, to live there? Are any of Us really ready? If every time We walked through a duir or fell into asleep Our life totally changed how happy would We bee? Our lives are built upon stability, We all-most seem to require it as much as breath. If Our stability is taken away, who would We be?
We humans have a system in place to protect Us and keep Our lives stable. This system is called memory. It keeps everything in a nice neat package and in an orderly, linear arrangement. Of course for some the package is larger than others. There are theories that some have many packages under “their” tree while others have only One. There are similar theories about male owned packages versus female owned packages. Obviously androgynous packages are relegated to the realm of Fae where “they” immediately dissolve in the morning dew. The memory works wonderfully to keep Us in order and stable, until it doesn't.
The realm of the Fae has no such device and the Fae are familiar with life changing at a whim. In Fae life changes with or without a moments notice. Faeries know that when “they” walk through any duir “they' may journey for miles and even years in the instant of passing. Even windows are wondrous things in Fae, for England may lay on One side and Narnia on the other. The Fae know to be very careful looking under mushrooms for that be a favorite place for dragons to sleep. EveryOne (at least All in the land of Fae) knows that as Oneder-full as dragons be, never, ever disturb a sleeping dragon. Many mis-understandings have transpired between dragons and humans simply because of humans being unaware or uncaring of this One simple rule.
When walking with a friend or foe in Fae the path may split and while One side continues on upon the familiar terrain the other side may turn skyward and even appear as a beanstalk that leads to the very heart of heaven. This is why when walking with a friend the Fae will usually hold hands. Otherwise it is very likely that at some point “they” will look at “their” friend and there is no longer a friend beside “them”. In fact it is totally possible that there is no anything beside “them”, beside could be completely empty and even void. Beside could have become any of infinite possibilities, perhaps cold cruel winter while the path is enjoying a lovely breath of spring.
At this point the average human would probably try to find “their” friend. AnyOne familiar with Fae knows that trying is the absolute worst thing One can do, and will wait on chance to reunite “them” as easily as chance divided “them”. One example of the futility of trying is that even if One could find the exact spot where the path split, it may no longer split, or either split could by now be going in different directions. This is the way of Fae.
Once upon a time I was walking in a forest in winter. A grand and sleeping forest it was. Then spring appeared All green and sappy and woke this forest in a moment's breath. Immediately I real-eyesed I had ventured into Fae. The sleeping trees were actually sleeping dragons. Until then I thought dragons slept on “their” bellies as myth would have Us believe. As the dragons woke I saw that “they” had been sleeping on “their” haunches with their heads high in the air to sense any approaching threat. Who would ever have guessed that so many dragons could inhabit a few acres of land. Humans would have Us believe that only plants could be so prolific and that dragons are extinct. That just goes to show You how silly gr'ups can be.
Are any of Us humans actually ready to live like this?

Dreams #14

I continue to feel that Gaea is detoxing and many sensitives are feeling it with/as her. I'm doing better, but I still feel residue.
Continuing to make progress at work, slowly getting My mind off work and into fantasy/imagination.
Last night I dreamt I was at another YoungStar gathering, this One was at a drug house. Quite interesting. I had My Own room there (so I must go there often) and there I'm still smoking cigarettes. Usually people doing drugs are at least a little bit uncomfortable around someOne not doing drugs, but as long as I accepted "them" as "they" are We All get along fine, no feeling of uncomfortable.

Dreams #13

The Dragon Riding Academy


Lots of dreams of dragon riding last night. I was at the dragon riding academy. Very cool, fun place. Probably located a wee bit outside a crystal city in the misty mountains.
There is no recruiting for this academy, no admissions test except starting the trek. I think/feel that All who begin the trek, finish (usually with the aid of the dragons and riders).
It felt like at some variable age a person decides to begin The Trek to the academy and there are many routes that lead One there. The dragons tend to be the the Ones who spot people on "their" way here and often send riders of the same or similar species to aid the trekee until "they" are able to accept help from actual dragons.
The label academy may be misleading, as it is more of a compound or collective where everyOne helps everyOne else to explore whatever each One is there for. I'm really not certain that everyOne goes there to ride dragons, feels more like that is not necessarily the case. There could many reasons for attending and/or observing.
Hopefully more information will be forthcoming about this, or maybe You All-ready know why You are here.

Dreams #12

An idea had been mulling around in My mind the last few days, trying to find itSelf and take form.
It's about Me, it's about Us and it's about the YoungStars. It's about space, place and room to grow. It's about acceptance and allowing.
At first I thought perhaps it was about creating space and place for the StarChildren to learn, grow and express. But, nay, for it is about allowing the children to create "their" space and place to do and be what "they" feel "they" need or want.
Tonight I pondered in waking dreams where this might occur. In the Imagi-nation of course. It is the Imagi-nation where the student becomes the teacher, and the lessons come in the form of games.
As We use Our Imagi-nation to explore (and that is truly where All exploration is at its best) then We allow the child within Us and without to use the Imagi-nation also. As this thought was romping and expressing itSelf I Once more was riding a mighty dragon. This time there was a great troop of Us soaring thru the skies. No mission, no distinct purpose other than flying, other than experiencing.
I rested upon a mountain ridge and watched All My friends soaring thru the air along a massive mountain range. I was a dragon. Dragon is an aspect of Us, an extension of Us.
Where is this place? The Imagi-nation. It is here and it is now.

Dreams #11

I'm dreaming a lot about energy lately, both waking and sleeping dreams. Dreaming and playing with energy.Last night I dreamt that I was caring for 3 infant/new born energies. I was carrying "them" around in some kind of trianlge or pyramid that acted like a clear bag. An entity came around that was like a black hole which frightened these baby energies. I protected the younglings but not like pick up a stick and drive the entity away, more like just being there, between the younglings and this entity was All the protection needed. Maybe even more that it was just that these new energies needed comfort and re-assurance more than protection but thot "They" needed protection.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Am a Conceptual Designer

Hi there, I Am a conceptual designer and so are You. This became apparent to Me as I was pondering why I continue to dwell on My current physical job. This is One of the things I do in this job and I really enjoy it. So I decided to take a look at the process and see how I can apply it (or do apply it) in My life that goes beyond the material, day to day world. I did an internet search on this title and found a good descritption: "Conceptual design means different things to different people."
What I do (and You can too if You don't All-ready) is I take concepts and create realities or societies or cities or communities or worlds out of these concepts. Another way to describe it is that I take an idea and make it physical. I have been doing this for milleniums so whether I'm good at it or not, I Am certainly experienced. If You think about it, just like I Allready said, We All do this as co-creators of Our reality.
My current project is bringing multiple or alternate or expanded realities into co-existing awareness. This may or may not be anything new, but for Me the awareness is what is new.
Let Me tell You how I work. I look at the allotted space for My project. Then (without thinking about what I'm doing) I go into a type of meditative state. I take deeper breaths, hold "them" and slowly let the breath out. I continue breathing in this manner while I survey the space and consider the idea that I plan to put into this space. I begin to imagine the idea being in this space.
I don't do well with visualization, so I have to create objects and place "them" in the space. At first of course it is basically a jumbled mess. The objects represent different aspects of the original idea and "they" can be people or plants or animals or rocks, anything at All. Next I begin assingning locations to the objects. I let the idea pour through My mind and arrange the objects a few at a time, in whatever manner seems appealling. As I add and move objects I continue to find I need to re-arrange and keep the pattern fluid to maintain a pleasant appearance.
Basically I play with it. I try this, I try that, I study it, I tear it apart, I re-arrange, I breathe.
Often I find that the idea just doesn't want to fit in the allottted space. I don't know quite how to describe what I do, I change My breathing pattern a little and My mind (imagination) expands or contracts the space a little here and a little there. I do this in small increments so as not to be readily noticable at a glance. It is a bit discomforting for a person to walk into a building the size of a small garage and find something similar to New York City. Therefore, I take great care to make small gradual adjustments and I usually like to step back and survey the surrounding area as well to make certain that I maintain a certain sense of balance and congruity. Sometimes this requires altering the spaces around the space I'm working with and again must be done in gradual steps so as not to upset or confuse any inhabitants of these areas. If you give it a little thought You can probably imagine the incidents that occurred which taught Me to be careful. Things like moving a persons bathtub while "they" are in it and finding You have blocked the bathroom door and left only the cold water turned on in the shower. The screams alone can break My concentration and make everything look much worse than it actually is.
So, bringing several realities into One space is My current project, and doing so without overly upsetting any inhabitants of any of these realities.
One of the steps involved is folding space. This (or something like it) must be done to get the realities from seperate spaces into One space. Either that or I have to pack everything up and drag, push or pull One reality to another. That is a very slow and tiresome task and I just simply do not have the patience or energy to bother.
Folding space was recently described to Me by a new friend and this explantion greatly simplifies the process. Imagine a piece of paper with a line drawn down the center. The line divides the paper into 2 halves, yes? Now put a hole in the center of each half. Measure the shortest distance between the two holes (a straight line). Next fold the paper in half along the line that is drawn down the center. Now measure the distance between the holes, much shorter now isn't it? You can open or close the folded paper to make the distance longer or shorter as You wish. You can make the distance between the holes appear Allmost non-existant, so the two holes appear to exist in virtually the same space. And, appearance really is everything.
Another method has been used a lot in cartoons. If You think about it, I'm sure You have seen this done many times in cartoons. Imagine a solid wall with a cartoon caracter standing looking at it. The character takes out a pencil and draws a door in the wall. Then the caracter turns the door knob and opens the door. Now, We have a decision to make. Do We wish to view what is on the other side of the wall or have the caracter draw a room or city or entire world inside the wall? Do You get the picture? (Pun definately intended.)

(To be continued, or not?)